Hello friends, today we are going to learn how to make DIY Bottle Painting.

Few days back, I was feeling very bored. I was looking for something to rejuvenate myself. Was not sure what to do I was looking for some stuff in the cupboard when I found an old bottle and some colours. ƂĀ An idea to paint the bottle came into my mind. The decision proved right because the outcome was amazingly beautiful and lifted my mood instantly.

Thought of sharing with you all, so here are step by step instructions (with pictures) on how you can paint a bottle.

Materials needed to do bottle painting:

  • An old bottle
  • Paint
  • Colours (Fevicryl Liquid Embroidery bottles)

Step 1 Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ Take a bottle and paint it with single colour may be black or red. Keep it aside for some time.

DIY bottle painting

Step 2 – ƂĀ Start making design from bottom of the bottle with fevicryl liquid embroidery bottles (you can directly draw with these bottles).

Bottle painting

Step 3 Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ Go slow. Let the colours dry and keep making design (you can draw design and colours of your choice.)

Bottle painting

Step 4 Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œKeep drawing your design. You can paste beads or fiber mirrors in between the design to make it more attractive and beautiful.


Bottle painting

Step 5 Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ Your handmade painted bottle is ready.

Bottle painting

So friends, donĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢t you find the activity interesting and simple? Try this, keep your handmade flowers in it and decorate your home with this beautiful painted bottle.

Bottle painting

Do share what you have made using comments below.

These pictures were first published on authorĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢sƂĀ blog

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Lavanya Neelam
Lavanya Neelam

Lavanya stays in Hyderabad. Apart from her keen interest in crafts, embroidery and knitting she has also written 500 telugu poems. She was selected as the best balwadi teacher in slum improvement project overseas developing authority in Vijaywada. Now she helps other craft lovers by sharing her experiences on crafting. Her Blog - http://quest4arts.blogspot.in/

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