Craft ideas for T Light Holders With Old CD’s

How to use old CDs? Check out this amazing best out of waste crafts from CD and make T light holders with old CDs.

There are numerous creative ideas which we can do with old CD’s. As Diwali is nearing I thought of making nice and simple T light holders, as lot of CDs were piling up I thought this would be the best way of CD recycling too. This CD craft ideas can be done by kids too. That way kids can do this as school project as best out of waste from CD.

T Light Candle holders with old CDs

Best ways of recycling old CDs to make T light candle holders

Recycling CD to make candle holders with Quilled Papers

Take a CD and start sticking quilled papers of any shape or color from the middle. You can paste them in any design of your choice and use more decorative stuffs as well. For below design I used round quilling and some white beads to give it a perfect look.

While pasting them go slow and let them dry meanwhile.

Below are some designs for your reference.

CD Candle holders with Glass Paint

Have you ever tried your glass painting colours on old CD ? No, then give it a try. Grab your glass painting colours, golden liner and an old CD.

Paint you old CD with glass paint and liners, choose colours and design of your choice and give a totally new look that old CD which you were about to throw in a dustbin.

You can use it for candle holders or you can hang it on wall too.

CD Candle holders with Acrylic Paint

Here is another good idea for an old CD.

You can paint CD with acrylic colors, choose colours and designs of your choice. This can also be used as wall hangings and ofcourse get ready to surprise your guests with these beautiful handmade candle stands.

CD Candle holders with Beads

Grab some colourful beads and arrange and paste them on CD in order from middle of the CD to make it a beautiful candle holder.

CD Candle holders with Kundan Stones

Try this bright and shining CD candle holder craft idea. Grab some different shaped kundan stones and paste them on CD. Lit the candle and get ready to see the magic of reflecting lights in your beautiful home.

CD candle T light holder and Kundan

CD candle T light holder with Kundan flowers

CD Candle holders with Pearls and Kundan Stones

Stick pearls in round shape using a glue in the CD. Now glue Kundan stones around it and insert a T light in the middle.

CD candle T light holder pearl and Kundan

CD Candle holders with Pista shells

Pista shells can be stuck one by one to make it a nice flower candle holder when it get dry colour it with silver or golden spray colour.

CD Candle holders with Satin ribbon loops

Satin ribbons are cut to small pieces and folded and glued together with the help of lighter to make loops. Stick these Satin ribbon loops around the CD to make a candle holder.

CD candle T light holder with satin ribbon loops

CD candle T light holder with satin ribbon loops

CD candle T light holder with satin ribbon loops

Hope you liked the Candle holder craft ideas from waste CDs and make sure you do one this festival season.

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Materials used to make candle holders

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Lavanya Neelam
Lavanya Neelam

Lavanya stays in Hyderabad. Apart from her keen interest in crafts, embroidery and knitting she has also written 500 telugu poems. She was selected as the best balwadi teacher in slum improvement project overseas developing authority in Vijaywada. Now she helps other craft lovers by sharing her experiences on crafting. Her Blog -

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