Learn how to make DIY Caterpillar Finger Puppet.ĆĀ An easy finger puppet idea and activity to go along with reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. This is a hungry caterpillar themed craft for kids.
How many of you love reading books for your kids? Me and my kid love to read books and use some props to make the story time a fun time.
Frankly speaking, I did not use to read stories for my kid , I bought one jumbo story book for him when he was just 3 months old. I kept reading stories from the book on and off but not regularly.
But gradually , I read so much stuff onlineĆĀ how important it is to read for our kids that I started buying books for my kid and started reading for him. And I am so happy to get the positive response from him, as he enjoys the story time and he is learning new things from books. His vocabulary is improving and he is getting aware about the world around him through books.
Our story time is an interactive session as he keeps asking so many questions while I read for him ĆĀ and I love to answer his cute and innocent questions.
I need to attend the story telling session at my kid’s school and I selected the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” for the session as my kid and other kids too love this story very much. So I thought to make caterpillar craft to make my story session interactive and interesting for kids. Thus, made this hand puppet caterpillarĆĀ (actually I made 10 such puppets) and not to be surprised, this finger puppet was a hit among kids, thus sharing with you all.
So lets get back to how to make DIY Caterpillar Finger Puppet tutorial.
Materials required to make a caterpillar finger puppet
- Chart papers ( Red and Green)
- Scissors
- Black marker
- Paper Knife
Process to make a caterpillar finger puppet
Make Caterpillar’s Face
1) Draw a circle on red chart paper along with two antennas coming out from circumference of circle. Cut the circle along with the protruding antennas. It will be the face of caterpillar.
Make Caterpillar’s Body
2) Now pick green chart paper and draw one complete circle of same size as that of the first circle (Red) and then draw three more circles of same sizes one after another in a line such that the 1/4th of the first circle’s circumference overlaps the 1/4th of second circle and so on. Draw fourth circle in same way as previous 3 but of smaller size, the last circle will be the end of caterpillar’s body.
Cut this along with the outer boundary of drawing i.e. all 4 circles as one part, it will be the complete body of caterpillar. Don’t cut all the circles separately, otherwise you’ll have to paste them all over each other, instead keep it in one piece to make your craft work look tidy.
Make Caterpillar’s Eyes and Mouth
3) Paste the face on the body of caterpillar. With the help of black marker draw eyes and mouth of caterpillar.
If you want, you can paste googly eyes or cut tiny eyes from black paper and paste them on face.
How to convert your DIY Caterpillar into a caterpillar puppet
4) Now draw two small circles on the body of caterpillar , as you need to make holes to insert the fingers. Then with the help of paper knife make holes on caterpillar.
Note- If you are making this craft with your kid, make sure this step should be done by you only. The holes should not be too small or too big. You can make holes as per your finger size so that anyone (you or your kid) can hold the puppet easily with fingers.
Your caterpillar finger puppet is ready.
Play with it, hop with it, tell story, sing a rhyme with it and enjoy.
Wanna Sing a rhyme ? Here is one for you..
Caterpillar caterpillar cat, cat, cat
Making in a pupa fat, fat, fat
It waited and it waited, it sat, sat, sat
Out came a butterfly just like that.
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Don’t you find the activity simple and interesting? I am sure you did … try it and do share with me what you have made. Would love to hear from you.