Looking for how to improve Visual Discrimination skills of preschoolers? Check out these easy Visual Discrimination activities and games for preschoolers at home that you can easily play or set up with things available at home.
In this article
What is Visual Discrimination?
An ability to identify the similarities and differences between shapes, sizes, patterns, colours and objects.
If you are interested in knowing more – you may also want to read What is spatial Intelligence and 8 simple DIY activities to strengthen spatial intelligence in kids.
Why is it needed?
In order to interpret the environment around us, visual discrimination skills become mandatory. Equally important is the time when we as parents start working on developing these skills for our toddlers/pre-schoolers.
There are lot of activity workbooks available in the market to practice these skills and the internet is equally flooded with free printables which may be easily printed and practiced. Click here for some Free visual discrimination worksheets printables to get you started.
But again we cannot expect our little ones to sit for a longer duration and practice, so it has to be hands on for them, not ignoring the importance of paper pencil but a blend of both makes it interesting for them
Easy Visual discrimination activities and games for preschoolers
Some very simple and easy to arrange Visual Discrimination activities and games or preschoolers are listed below:
Matching socks to make a pair

I remember this was the very first visual discrimination activity that I did with my two year old son. I gave him his own socks and kept the other pair in a basket. He has to find out the right pair and match.
Sorting the bowls
Kitchen utensils are every kid’s favorite, so why not have a simple game using bowls from the kitchen?
Bowls of either different shapes, sizes or colours can be used for this activity where the child has to sort them according to shape, size or colour.

Nature hunt
Take your child for a nature hunt and ask him / her to collect various kinds of leaves, twigs, seed etc . He /she may then be involved in sorting them according to types, shape etc.
After this game you may want to do this MUST TRY leaf etching painting with kids. You won’t believe what we made :-).. Do check it out. I am sure you would love it .
✅ You may also like to see Toys for kids which moms love and recommend

Grouping using colourful pebbles
I recently bought a packet of colourful pebbles from an aquarium store and grouped them into groups of twos, threes and fours mixing pebbles of different colours and my little one had to create similar groups.
We had a gala time doing this as it involved counting, sorting and matching colours to make groups.
✅ Check out this super easy way on how to make your own puzzles

Fun time with stickers – Patterns fun
I get a lot of stickers from a stationery shop and make various patterns on sheets and he has to complete them. A very good activity for developing fine motor skills as well.
If you are in India and want to order online – you can click here to check out this brand
You can get such stickers online and these are an excellent educational aids to plan activities with kids

Do as directed with colour counters
We bought these colour counters and mats from a local stationary store. As a part of our family time, we played this wonderful game.
I was the one who was the instructor and the little one and his father had to follow my instructions. I called out the name of a colour and they had to pick them and put it on the mat. We did this till all the places were occupied.
I kept in some and they had the liberty to put it anywhere on the mat. Parents may even choose a particular sequence.
If you are outside India you can get these by clicking here (there are many available online but this is the most popular brand)
In India if you search you would not get colour counters easily but click here as this is the direct link to the product.
Also I found this awesome game such that you not only get the counters but brain development game at a nominal price. .
Click here to check out this awesome game.

Jumping Jack
A gross motor activity which can be done on the terrace or not that busy a street. We make patterns on the road, for example, a circle with a star, triangle, then another circle with a star, circle, another one with a circle and a triangle and so one.
Then the parent gives instruction to the child to jump from one circle to another following the clue, for example jump to the circle which has a star and a triangle and so on.

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You may also want to read Quick and Easy flash card activities for Toddler.

Hope you like these guide on fun ways of Visual discrimination games with your kids? If you do have any question please let us know using comments below. Do you also try different ways of learning ? Would love to hear from you.
the best thing about your posts and activities are that they are very simple, doable and practical.. we needn’t procure any new thing.. just love your ideas.. Keep sharing Neha.. u have blessings of a lot of moms out there..
Thank you so so much for your words Supriti š Honestly we do not need fancy things. Half of them are marketing gimmicks. Simple stuff and ideas are what we need. Thank you so much for making our day
These are all lovely activities and suggestions that will keep our little ones mindfully and creatively engaged. Bookmarking the post for future reference!
Nice ideas for kids to exercise visual discrimination skills. We often do nature play and sticker games.
these simple activities do not need planning and can keep them busy for several minutes.. thanks for sharing them Neha
Loved all activities especially matching socks, sorting bowls, colorful pebbles, nature hunt with leaves of variety, which are very doable and easy activities to teach kids as well as keep them busy. I will surely share with moms with kids this age as my kids have outgrown this lovely age.