Amazingly simple Christmas Star Ornaments with Popsicle Sticks

Check out these amazingly simple Christmas Star Ornaments with Popsicle sticks. This year make handmade Popsicle sticks Christmas star ornaments with your kid for Christmas decorations šŸ™‚ ..

In this article

Hello friends, Sometimes, we know many Christmas ornament ideas, but we find them little difficult for kids as they need too many steps to follow. These tiny little hands love to do crafting but they need less steps with cute and interesting outcome.ƂĀ You can make stick ornaments with your kids, it can be a wonderful Christmas crafts for kids.

So if you have a toddler or a preschooler check out these really simple Star shaped Christmas ornaments for kids. I am sure they will definitely love making these. Also you don’tƂĀ need to buy much stuff from market as they can be easily made with items available at home.

So here we go.

Simple Christmas Star Ornaments with Popsicle sticks

Stars are the most important ornament of Christmas tree. Thus, we start our craft work with making Popsicle Sticks stars. Don’t worry we will soon be doing a series onƂĀ Popsicle sticks Christmas ornaments . So more to come later.

Materials required to make Ice-cream Popsicle stars

  • Ice-cream popsicle sticks
  • Fevicol or hot glue gun
  • Colours
  • Paint Brush
  • Thermocol balls or beads
  • Punching machine

Process to makeƂĀ Popsicle sticks Christmas star

1. To make a star you need 5 ice-cream sticks. Paste them to form a star shape. Keep it aside and let it dry.

Note : We had a plan to make three stars, thus we made all three stars at one go and kept them aside and let them dry.

2. Then colour the star of your kid’s choice. Keep it aside to dry.

Note – As we were making three stars, we painted them with different colours, red, blue and pink. Of course the colours of stars were decided by my kid.

3. On a piece of paper with the help of paint brush apply golden colour and let it dry.

4. With the help of punching machine make holes to get tiny golden circles.

5. With the help of glue paste the golden circles all over the star.

Your red and golden Popsicle Sticks star is ready.

Christmas Crafts

Note : To make the below blue star, after applying blue colour we just pasted some old bindis. If you have some beads you can paste them instead of bindis. Our blue star is ready to spread its shine.

Christmas Crafts with Popsicle stick

Note : To make the below star, after applying the pink colour on star, we just pasted the thermocol balls on it. Please make sure to assist your kid at the time of making this star. As kid may keep the ball in mouth which may be harmful for him.

Instead of thermocol balls you can cut and paste some cute colourful star shaped or round buttons as well.

Christmas Crafts with popsicle sticks

You need to paste a loop of ribbon on your stars. This will help you to hang these stars on Christmas tree.

These beautiful stars can be given as Christmas present to teachers or friends by your kid.

Above activity is completely child led. If your kid is able to do the activity himself let him do it. Assist him as and when he needs your help. As we always say Rather than focusing on the result, enjoy the process

Kids love to do painting, cutting and pasting, thus, this activity will definitely bring a spark in their eyes.

My kid really enjoyed making these Popsicle sticks Christmas ornaments as he loves to do painting and cut and paste crafts. I just helped him in doing the finishing work. So above is the beautiful stick craft loved by kids.

Above activities are really good for kids’ hand eye coordination and fine motor skills development.

Watch this space for more such Christmas Craft ideas for kids. Happy Crafting !!

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Christmas tree Crafts for Toddlers and preschoolers

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Shweta Garg
Shweta Garg

Hello, I am Shweta, mother of a 5 year old. I am a teacher and in education field since last 4 years. I truly believe, we should keep learning.. as learning is a treasure. In my beautiful journey of motherhood, with each passing day I get chances to learn many things with my kid and I truly love to share those learning with you all, through my blogs. In my spare time I Love to travel, read books and gardening. I am a great fan of Dan Brown and Sidney Sheldon novels.

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