Today you are going to learn how to make paper flowers.
Paper Flowers are a great way ofĆĀ decorating. And making paper flowers is easy and fun. You can make them as wall decorations for your kids room or it can be a perfect way to spend time with your kids on a weekend.
In this article we are going to learn how to make easy paper flowers.
In this article
Step by Step Tutorial on how to make paper flowers
Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make these easy paper flowers
Take a colored paper and cut circles
Fold the circles as I have shown below (Very similar to how madeĆĀ paper fans as kids)
Fold the fan like structure at the centre and see we have our first petal ready
Repeat the above steps to create two more such petals
Paste all these petals together to make a flower
Paste the flower on another colored circle (madeĆĀ in step 1 above).ĆĀ Also cut a small circle to pasteĆĀ at the centre of flower
Your first paper flower is ready. Was it not easy ? Now you can make as many flowers as you want. Try making these beautiful paper flowers inĆĀ different colour combinations
More Paper flower tutorialsĆĀ
If you want to try making a variety of paper flowers, check out any of the free paper flower tutorials below
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