Today, we are going to learn how to make DIY Ice-cream Popsicle Sticks Coaster.
I have seen very creative and beautiful stuff made with ice-cream sticks. Interestingly they are so simple and quick that you can engage your kids as young as toddler. And we canĆ¢ā¬ā¢t deny the fact that craft work helps in the overall development of kids.
Thus with the same thought in mind I bought ice-cream sticks from market. And when I came back to my home, my kid started looking the stuff I bought from market. And when he found the ice-cream sticks he asked, Ć¢ā¬ÅWhat is this? Why you have bought these? I explained him these are ice cream sticks and we will make something beautiful with these sticks.
He was so happy with the idea that instantly we sat to make a coaster with ice-cream sticks.
Have a look for some more simple craftsĆĀ ĆĀ ice-cream sticks craft ideas for kid.
Found it quite easy and interesting craft idea for kids, thus sharing it with you all.
Materials required to make DIY Ice cream Popsicle Sticks Coaster
- Ice Cream Sticks
- Thread
- Glue
Process to make a DIY Ice-cream Popsicle Sticks Coaster
1 ) Take 4 sticks and keep them apart (as shown in pic).
2 ) Then take 4 more sticks and paste them across the earlier 4 sticks (as shown below) and keep it aside for a while.
3) At each joint tie thread. You can use colorful thread to make it more colorful.
4) Your handmade ice-cream Popsicle sticks coaster is ready.
Through this activity I spent a quality time with my kid and he enjoyed the activity very much.
Don’t you find the activity super easy and interesting? Undoubtedly this is a wonderful craft idea and your kids will love making this. Grab all the required material and give it a try and don’t forget to share your creation right here.
Happy Crafting !!
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