Ms. Lopamudra Banerjee is the founder of World of WoW Fitness. She is a recipient of the Excellence in Fitness award by the Karnataka Women Achievers Association. Ms. Lopamudra Banerjee was one of the finalists of Gladrags Mrs. India in 2009. Let us know more about Lopamudra through a short tête-à -tête between our team and her.
What would you call the Turning point in your life (How did the idea of getting into the field of fitness come about? What made you choose this? And what would you say sets you apart?
I always wanted to do something for people which will help them grow or help empower them. Getting into this industry was not planned. I was working with The Times of India till 2009. My job was quite stressful in a sales profile. I had to travel quite a lot, which took a toll on my health. I was also emotionally drained, as I was unable to give time to my then 3 years old daughter. In 2009 I got the opportunity to participate in Gladrags Mrs. India as a finalist. I stayed with all the finalists for a month till the final competition day. There I met many women who came from varied backgrounds. All of them had a story to share – some were happy while some were unhappy stories, and each story was inspiring. One common thing among all of these women was the courage they had! It gave me the confidence and strength to make that change in my life. Instead of sulking, I thought let me take a break and decide what I want to do. That’s what I did. I quit my job after I returned from the competition and took a complete break from work.
I had a supportive family and I thoroughly enjoyed this phase of being a full-time mother. This also gave me an opportunity to look after my health. I started going to my apartment gym and was so hooked to it that I lost almost 10kgs in 8 months’ time. Ladies from my apartment started coming to me to get trained. But I didn’t want to give them any half-baked information and hence through one of my Gladrags’ friends’ recommendations I enrolled for a fitness course from Reebook in 2011. That was the beginning of a new journey for me, my journey into the fitness industry.
In layman’s terms could you please tell us what is it that you do as a Weight Management Specialist?
I am a women’s weight management specialist with a certified nutrition degree from Nanyang University Singapore. I help women with obesity – depression or stress-induced obesity, hormonal imbalance weight gain, pre-natal and post-natal obesity, and steroidal weight gain because of medical treatments.
What do you like most about what you are doing?
I believe in one statement very strongly “Help Helps.†Hence what I am doing right now by sharing my knowledge with mankind and helping women get out of their obesity gives me ultimate bliss because I am empowering each one of them with the right approach to lead their lives just the right way.
In return, the Universe showers me with its abundance all the time with great people, colleagues, family, and happy clients.
What is your definition of Success?
Be honest with what you do and never copy-paste someone else’s idea as your idea. “Be original. Don’t be a copy-paste.â€

If you had to give any advice to your younger self when you were starting out, what would it be or if you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
To my younger self, I would, like to say “ don’t rush and don’t panic.” Things will happen if the right actions are put in place at the right time. And If I have to restart my career I will not start on a blank paper, I’ll start with all these years of experience, will put those in practice, and will try to not repeat any past mistakes.
Any regrets as of now? And if yes, would you like to share?
Not really! Everything has been a learning experience so far. All of us get our due share of highs and lows.
Top 2 regular practices that have helped you
Daily Reiki practice followed by Meditation and writing my gratitude journal.
Motivational factor (What keeps you motivated)
I am my own motivation. I have trained my mind to keep looking high and only aspire to do things that will give me success in what I do the best.
One relationship that helped (Who has been your biggest support in this journey ?)
My husband of course. Apart from him, it’s my mom, dad, and my sister.
What is the biggest misconception you think people have about you?
A lot of people think that I am arrogant, which honestly, I am not.
What do people think you do?
That I am a fitness trainer or both a nutritionist and a fitness coach. (This is actually true) I am a trained Yoga teacher with 200 hrs TTC plus an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified Personal Trainer.
What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Patience, Practice, and Originality
When you are not working, what are you doing?
I love to sleep, spend time on social media, go for massages or meet friends over coffee.
What would you have been if not what you are doing currently?
Probably doing a sales job with extra 15 kgs on me “coz of stress eating and no time to exercise.
What qualifications are required to pursue this career?
You can be a postgraduate, graduate or an undergraduate. There are many certifications available for all levels. Choose a well-accredited university and pursue your diploma or degree.
What qualities are needed to pursue this career?
You have to love people to help them without being judgemental.
What courses are available in India if one wants to pursue this course?
You can try regular full-time courses in any university after grade 12 or after graduation. Part-time courses are available in Udemy, Coursera, ACE, and integrative nutrition.
Any advice to parents whose kids may want to pursue their career in Health & Fitness industry?
Tell them Health is one industry that is going to boom forever. Anything in this industry is worth the effort.
Anything else that you would like to say to our readers?
Never compromise on your wellbeing. It is always health first. This also includes self-care and self-love too.
Would You Like To Offer Something To Our Readers?
Yes, of course! It was a pleasure interacting with you, and we have something special for SOE Readers. We would like to offer them a 30 mins discovery session on pre-booking.
Email at worldofwowfitness@gmail.com