Elevate your child’s learning with enchanting Sanskrit Slokas for kids. Explore these timeless verses to nurture their minds and hearts. Discover the beauty of ancient wisdom
Looking to teach some easy Sanskrit slokas to kids? Are you aware of the numerous benefits of chanting mantras and slokas for kids? It is time to give you some insights into the remarkable benefits and importance of teaching Sanskrit slokas to kids!Ć Remember, the earlier you start, the better it is, and here is why!Ć
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This article covers all that you need to know about the benefits of teaching Sanskrit slokas to kids, how it helps them to grow, and also a few easy Sanskrit slokas for kids.
Also Read – How do I get my child to learn slokas?
What are Slokas?
The word “sloka” means “song” in Sanskrit. In its original form, a sloka is incorporated into divine literature and treated as a piece of poetry to be recited during meditative practice. The term sloka can be translated as “utterance” or “prayer”, not “poem” as commonly misconstrued in the English language. Slokas often contain quatrains of ten syllables each.
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Benefits Of Teaching Slokas For Kids
Since ancient times, our ancestors have been into the practice of chanting slokas and reciting mantras in Sanskrit. Reciting slokas at an early age has its benefits. With proper guidance, you can enjoy the following benefits.
1. Enhances Memory Power
With the chanting of slokas, your child’s mind gets activated and it also helps to boost their concentration power and sharpen memory. An abundant supply of oxygen is essential for the proper functioning of the brain.
Chanting slokas follows rhythmic breathing techniques that ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to the brain. This helps sharpen the brain and generates enthusiastic vibes among them.
The best time for chanting slokas for kids is in the morning and evening.
2. Strengthens Positive Thinking
The positive energy created during the chanting of slokas helps in boosting the child’s mind power as it activates each nerve of the body. This was one main reason for our ancestors to start their day with slokas every morning.
3. Helps in Stress Management
Reciting slokas every day can improve your health. It helps in lowering blood pressure, stabilizing the heartbeat, and reducing high cholesterol. In case you are unable to chant slokas, you can listen to the audio as this too can help in relieving stress.
Also Read – Why Shlokas Are Essential for Student Success
20+ Easy Sanskrit Slokas For Kids – Empower Your Child’s Mind
Posted below are some of the easy Sanskrit slokas for kids that they can learn easily. Regular chanting of these mantras would help you raise a well-mannered child.
Kardarshanam Shloka
Karaagre Vasthe Lakshmi
Kara Madhye Saraswati
Kara Mulay Sthithe Gauri
Prabhaate Kara Darshanam
When to chant:
In the morning when one wakes up
Meaning :
Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, can be found at the top of the palm. Goddess Saraswati is found in the middle and at the bottom of the palm Gauri; the Goddess of Power and strength is there. Encourage the child to keep their palms on their lap and look at them each morning.
Vishnu Mantra
Anyatha Sharanam Naasti
Twameva Sharanam Mama
Tasmaat Kaarunya Bhavena
Raksha Raksha Janardhana
When to chant:
Every morning
Meaning :
This easy Sanskrit sloka for kids indicates the highness of lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is the savior and protector of the universe. When God is around you, you do not require anyone to protect you.
Hare Krishna Mantra
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
When to chant:
Throughout the day
Meaning :
Hey Lord Krishna! Lord Rama! Please hire me in your service.
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Lord Ganesha Mantra
Mooshika vahana modaka hasta
Chamara karna vilambita sootra
Vamana roopa Maheswara putra
Vighna vinayaka paada namaste
When to chant:
This is one of the morning prayers, usually recited after Shuklambaradharam.
Meaning :
Saluting the Lord Ganesha whose vehicle is a mouse and thee who has modka in his hands. His large ears are like a fan and the one who wears a sacred thread. The one who is short in stature and the one who is the son of Lord Maheshwara(Lord Shiva). Prostrations at the feet of Sri Vighna Vinayaka, who is the remover of the obstacles of his devotees.
Shanti Mantra
Om Sahana vavatu sahanau bhunaktu
Sahaveeryam karavavahai
Tejas vinavati tamastu ma vidhwishavahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti hi
When to chant:
The Om Sahana Vavatu mantra should be chanted byth the teacher and student together at the start of a class or practice.
Meaning :
May the Guru and the disciple be paved on the path of study together. May the Guru and the disciple enjoy studying together. May the Guru and the disciple work together on the task of studying with intense concentration. May the material we study be full of genius. Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Sloka For the Evening
Deepam Jyoti Parabrahma
Deepam Sarva Sanatanam
Deepena Sadhyate Sarvam
Sandhya Deepam Namostute
When to chant:
Evening while lighting lamps
This is one of the most known easy slokas for kids. This sloka can be taught to children as an evening prayer.
According to this sloka, I am susceptible to the dawn or dusk lamp, whose light is comparable to wisdom and which aids in removing the darkness from my mind and soul.
Sloka for Truth, Wisdom, and Knowledge
Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya
Mrtyorma Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
When to chant :
Morning and Evening
Meaning :
The sloka seeks God to represent the way of wisdom, knowledge, and truth. Guide us in the direction of the peaceful and intelligent way as it is vital to follow the correct path if we want to seize possibilities.
Shanti Mantra
Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu
Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niraamayaah
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet
When to chant:
Morning 7.15 AM, Afternoon 1.00 PM, Evening 6.30 PM IST
Meaning :
This is a general peace sloka that says “May there be peace and happiness in everyone’s life.” It offers blessings and wishes for everyone’s prosperity.
Guru Mantra
Gurur brahmah gurur Vishnu
Gurur devo Maheshwara
Gurur saakshaat param brahmah
Tasmai shree guravey namaha
When to chant:
This auspicious Mantra is chanted on Teacher’s day and Guru Purnima.
Meaning :
In Hinduism, the Holy Trinity, represented by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva, is embodied in the guru (teacher). The Supreme Being is represented by the teacher. He dispels my ignorance and imparts knowledge to me. I honour such a master.
Saraswati Mantra
Saraswati namastubhyam varade kaamaroopini
Vidyaarambham karishhyaami siddhirbhavatu me sadda
When to chant:
When kids start studying or undertake a new project.
Meaning :
My salutations to you, Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, who is also known as the granter of wishes and the embodiment of good fortune. I’m going to start my studies, and I wish to always prosper.
Manojavam Mantra
Mano javam maruda thulya vegam
Jithendriyam buddhi maatham varishtam
Vathaatmajam vanara yudha mukhyam
Sree Rama dootham charanam prapadhye
When to chant:
One should listen to or chant this mantra every morning or whenever in trouble.
I bow down to the Shri Ram messenger and seek refuge in Shri Hanuman, who is as fast as the mind and the wind, One who is the master of the senses and is renowned for his superior intellect, learning, and intelligence, Who is the son of the wind deity and is the chief among apes.
Vakratunda Mahakai
Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa
When to chant:
Early morning after taking a bath
Meaning :
O Lord (Ganesha), whose splendor is equivalent to billions of suns and who has an enormous body with a curving elephant trunk, please erase all barriers from all of my efforts.
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Food Sloka
Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havih Brahmagnau Brahmanahutam
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahma Karma Samadhina
When to chant:
The sloka is chanted before food.
Any yagnya’s act of offering is Brahma (the god or consciousness). Brahma is also present in the sacrifices made to the Yadnya fire.
Additionally, Brahma’s offering ritual is the same as this one. As a result, the fruits that the yogi who lives in the Brahmakarma receives are likewise the same Brahma.
Shubham Karoti
Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa
Shatru-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute
Diipa-Jyotih Para-Brahma Diipa-Jyotir-Janaardanah
Diipo Haratu Me Paapam Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute
When to chant:
While lighting lamps in the evening.
Meaning :
I offer my Namaskar (salutation) to the lamp’s light, which gives good fortune, health, a surplus of money and wealth, and the annihilation of intellect’s foe (inimical feelings).
I offer my Namaskar (salutes) to the lamp’s light, which stands in for the Supreme Brahman and the Janardhana (Sri Vishnu). Let the Lamp’s light purge my sins.
Sleep Mantra
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Nidra Roopen Samsithaha
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah
When to chant:
Before sleeping
Meaning :
You, Goddess (Devi), are everywhere. In sleep, you also exist.
I bow to you. I formally greet you three times. You are the one who exists in the form of sleep in all living things (Nidra).
Gayatri Mantra
Om bhur bhuva swaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
When to chant
Early morning
Meaning :
We contemplate the wonderfulness of the vivifying Sun, whose divine light enlightens all domains Ć¢ā¬ā the physical, the mental, and the otherworldly. May your divine light enlighten our judgment skills.
Guravey Sarva Mantra
Guravey sarva lokaanaam
Bishajey bhava rohinaam
Nidhaye sarva vidyanaam
Shree dakshinaa moorthaye namaha
When to chant:
This can be done daily.
Meaning :
We bow to the Universal Guru, Teacher of the whole world and Healer of all diseases.
Shiva Mantra
Om Namah Shivaya
When to chant:
Before chanting the mantra, one should take a bath. This should ideally be done in the morning.
Meaning :
Bow to Lord Shiva. Na Ma Shi Va Ya is his five syllables representing the five elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Lord Shiva is the lord of these five elements.
These are all the building blocks in creation, including the human body. On the other hand, “Ohm” is the sound of the universe.
“Om” means peace and love. When all five elements are in peace, love, and harmony, there is happiness and contentment within and around you.
Hanuman Mantra
Om Shri Hanumate Namah
When to chant:
Daily chanting of the hanuman mantra will give success in life.
Meaning :
I bow to the VayuĆ¢ā¬ā¢s son and the loving devotee of Shri Rama.
Sarvamangala Mangale Shiva Mantra
Sarv Mangal Mangalye
Shive Sarvarth Sadhike
Sharanye Trayambke Gouri
Narayani Namostute
When to chant:
Reciting it every morning brings you peace and success in life.
The epitome of auspicious, Goddess Parvathi, you satisfy all our goals. We rejoice in your divinity! you are the mother of the three worlds, O Gauri, I bow over and over to you.
ā You simply cannot miss this article covering the Best Lord Krishna Mantras
Books On Sanskrit Slokas For Kids
Soulful Shlokas for Kids
The book Soulful Sholaks for kids is a specially designed book that has a collection of popular slokas and mantras for youngsters to recite. It includes the significance as well as the sloka interpretations for easy understanding.
Shlokas and Mantras For Kids ā English/Sanskrit | Illustrated Board Book for...
& Free shippingMy First Shloka Book
My first Shloka Book comes with a good compilation of easy slokas for kids to enthusiastically learn in an exciting way. It also has fun activity that engages and makes it an enjoyable learning experience for kids. The audio guides are innovative and help a lot.
This book Shlokas and Mantras helps children to take their first steps toward mindfulness and a spiritual path. This book has easy-to-pronounce mantras and slokas with their meaning and added information about each of them and engaging activities.Ā
Shlokas and Mantras - Activity Book For Kids - Illustrated Book With...
& Free shippingConclusion
Chanting God’s name and reciting slokas have always been a part of Indian culture for hundreds of years. Chanting slokas has positive effects on the cognitive functioning of the brain. That is why it is crucial to introduce them to kids at a young age. With the evolution of the digital era, it is still easy to access those old and meaningful slokas.
Slokas for kids play an important role in a child’s life as regular recitation and memorization of slokas help to expand the memory power of the child.
Also, cognitive skills improve and this kind of lifestyle leads to better mental and physical health.