Very Easy Wall Hanging with Popsicle Sticks | Frugal Home decor crafts

Free step by step tutorial on how to make a wall hanging using popsicle sticks. This is simple Popsicle sticks craft great for adorning your walls and easy enough to be done by Kids.ƂĀ Till now we have seen many crafts using Popsicle sticks. This is one of the most simple and easy craft. So if you are looking for some summer crafts for kids it can be a good idea.

Why wait, let’s grab all the required material and get ready to make a beautiful wall hanging with popsicle sticks.

Materials required to make a wallƂĀ hanging using Popsicle sticks

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Sequins/Beads
  • Satin ribbon/Wool
  • Crochet flower or you can use any other decoration like foam flower or quilled flowers

Step by Step tutorial on how to make aƂĀ wall hanging using Popsicle sticks

Here is a step by step instructions (with pictures) tutorial on how you can make a wall hanging using popsicle sticks.

Step 1: FirstƂĀ take two popsicle sticks. Paste both the sticks in the inverted ” V ” shape, leavingƂĀ half an inch on either side as shown in the below picture.

Step 2: Now, paste two moreƂĀ popsicleƂĀ sticks as shown in the below picture.

Step 3: Now let’s paste two more popsicle sticks joining midpoint of diagonally opposite popsicle sticks ( from diamond shape). OneƂĀ stick below the diamond, one more above as shown in the figure.

Step 4: Now you need to decorate it, you can paste beads and a crochet flower to decorate our beautiful wall hanging. From a satin ribbon make a loop and paste it on top of wall hanging so that you can hang it on wall.

Step 5: Finally paste a woolen pom – pom on top ofƂĀ  wall hanging to give it a complete look.

wall hanging using popsicle sticks

TADAA !!!!Our simple and easy wall hanging is ready to decorate in study/drawing or bedroom. Or you can give this to your loved ones as a birthday gift.

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You may also want to check out allƂĀ how to make DIY Hexagon shelf using Popsicle sticks.

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Lavanya Neelam
Lavanya Neelam

Lavanya stays in Hyderabad. Apart from her keen interest in crafts, embroidery and knitting she has also written 500 telugu poems. She was selected as the best balwadi teacher in slum improvement project overseas developing authority in Vijaywada. Now she helps other craft lovers by sharing her experiences on crafting. Her Blog -

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